How to Use a List of Results from One Splunk Panel in Another

Splunk is a great tool for searching, reviewing, and manipulating data. Unfortunately, it can be hard to figure out how to use a list of results from one Splunk panel in another panel. Here’s the method that works for me.

For simplicity’s sake, I’ll be using info logger data from pipeline runs. They look something like this:

Data log

Let’s say you want to take a list of namespaces (from successful runs) from one panel and use it in another panel. We can get the namespaces with a search like this:

    index=*_common '{"status": "finished", "returnValue": 0}'
    | rex "\"namespace\":\"(?<namespace>.*)\","
    | dedup namespace
    | stats list(namespace) AS namespaces
    | table namespaces

Our output will look like this:

List of namespaces

Then we can set a token that will hold this result:

        <set token="successfulNamespaces">$result.namespaces$</set>
        index=*_common '{"status": "finished", "returnValue": 0}'
        | rex "\"namespace\":\"(?<namespace>.*)\","
        | dedup namespace
        | stats list(namespace) AS namespaces
        | table namespaces

In a second panel, we want to process the logs that have one of these namespaces and compute their elapsed time.

        | eval namespaces="$successfulNamespaces$"
        | where namespace IN (namespaces)
        | stats
            earliest(_time) AS start_timestamp
            latest(_time) AS end_timestamp
            BY namespace
        | sort start_timestamp
        | eval StartTime=strftime(start_timestamp, "%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S"), ElapsedTime=(end_timestamp - start_timestamp) / 60
        | table StartTime, ElapsedTime

No results

We don’t seem to get any results, so what’s the problem?

Let’s evaluate just the $successfulNamespaces$ token and see what that outputs:

        | eval namespaces="$successfulNamespaces$"
        | dedup namespaces
        | table namespaces

String delimited namespaces

Ah, we can see that when we store a list into a token, it really converts that list into a comma-delimited string. That can be fixed with a split:

        | eval namespaces=split("$successfulNamespaces$", ",")
        | where namespace IN (namespaces)
        | stats
            earliest(_time) AS start_timestamp
            latest(_time) AS end_timestamp
            BY namespace
        | sort start_timestamp
        | eval StartTime=strftime(start_timestamp, "%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S"), ElapsedTime=(end_timestamp - start_timestamp) / 60
        | table StartTime, ElapsedTime

Here we can see the final results, giving the elapsed times for these successful events:
Graph of elapsed times

In short, to use a list of results from one Splunk panel in another panel, simply set a token to the list. Then split the resulting string in the panel you want to use it in to get it back into list form.

  • Pallavi says:


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