Atomic Accelerator Unleash Your Creativity and Grow Your AI Skills at Atomic Games 2023 We're launching Atomic Games 2023! This innovative educational AI game programming competition challenges college students who dare to code.
Artificial Intelligence Daydreaming the Future of Software Designers and AI Here, we'll explore three areas where software designers and AI intersect. This has the potential to bring novel solutions to the forefront.
Artificial Intelligence What Does “Intelligent” Actually Mean in AI (Right Now)? Here, I’ll refer to an LLM (Large Language Model) rather than AI. Mainly, that's because I think AI oversells what we’re seeing right now.
Artificial Intelligence 3 Strategies for Learning to Program with an AI Assistant There's a real risk of AI becoming a necessary crutch. So, how can you take advantage of an AI assistant without becoming beholden to it?
ChatGPT What I Learned from Building and Querying My Own AI Model With ChatGPT-4's and Hugging Face data, I built and queried my own AI model with the goal of generating C# code.
Evolving the Industry Is AI an Existential Threat to Tech Workers? If your only skill is turning specifications into a single-page JavaScript application, you should be worried about being replaced by AI.
Developer Tools ChatGPT Did My Homework (Well, My Actual Work) My team recently created a seamless data extraction pipeline, a project that showcased the power of AI in software development.
Platforms & Languages A Survey of Cloud AI and Machine Learning Platforms Here's an overview of three Generative AI and Machine Learning Platforms: Azure, Databricks, and Amazon Bedrock.
Evolving the Industry Revolutionizing User Interfaces: The Impact of AI Designing interfaces to embrace the powerful technologies that AI and natural language processing are unlocking looks exciting and promising.
Evolving the Industry AI is Poised to Have a Huge Impact on the Insurtech Industry Learn how leaders in the Insuretech industry are leveraging AI and putting pressure on traditional insurance industry practices.
Software Science ChatGPT and the Value of a Computer Science Education As someone who recruits graduates for their first jobs, I'm interested in how ChatGPT will impact the future of computer science education.
Exploratory Testing How I Used ChatGPT for Debugging a Process in Java On a recent software project, one test would pass and one would fail with a “yarn not found” error. I turned to ChatGPT for debugging help.