AWS Aurora MySQL 8 Upgrade: Using the AWS Blue/Green Style Upgrade database with AWS RDS going from Aurora MySQL 5.7 to 8.0 using Blue/Green deployment. No downtime. No more RDS Extended Support.
Extracurricular Activities Using SQL and Your Chat.db File to Look Through All of Your iMessages If you use iMessage, you can access and query the database where all of the messages are stored. All you need is a Mac and some basic SQL skills to begin!
Development Practices Learn More About the Code Without Looking at Code, Part 1: Where to Look Have you ever been tasked with modifying code you're not familiar with? Or integrating new features into an existing codebase?
DX Bridge the Gap: Applying Design Concepts to Database Design I'll explore how coupling database design with design principles can result in databases with high performance.
Development Practices The Discriminated Union: Writing Easy-to-Use Types in TypeScript I’d encourage you to give discriminated unions a shot next time you find yourself needing to model subtypes.
Prisma Translate a Graph Database Schema to a Prisma Schema On a recent project, we chose to migrate data from an existing Amazon Neptune graph database to an Amazon RDS PostgreSQL relational database.
Prisma Prisma vs. TypeORM – Which is Right For You? In my current project, we use two popular ORMs, TypeORM and Prisma. Each one has advantages and disadvantages. But which is right for you?
PostgreSQL Improve Your Dev Experience with Dockerized Postgres Working on a project with a local development environment and a Postgres database? Running Postgres in Docker can make life easier.
C# Detecting Errors in Entity Framework Code First Migrations Add a 'validate migrations' step to your test pipeline to detect and prevent subtle errors in EF Code First migrations.
Prisma 2 Quick and Easy Ways to Set the Environment Database in Prisma Here are two quick and easy ways to set the environment database in Prisma, methods that don't require writing scripts for dotenv.
Developer Tools How to Create UML Database Diagrams in Visual Studio Code In VS Code, I used plantUML to describe a database schema. I defined the schema in text, and then the tool generated database diagrams.
Developer Tools Speed Up Your Database Dump and Restore Using EC2 On-Demand A database dump can be tedious, and I asked myself, "Where can I get better hardware for cheap?" Enter: AWS EC2 On-Demand.