Developer Tools How to Run the Scrutiny Docker Image on TrueNAS Scale With TrueNAS Scale applications now running via Docker Compose, I needed to do some reconfiguration to get Scrutiny running again.
Extracurricular Activities How I Run Code-server via’s Docker Image on TrueNAS Scale This is my 15th post documenting images I use at home. This time's topic: how I am running Code-server on my TrueNAS Scale instance.
GitHub Actions Test a Server with Docker Compose on Github Actions Learn to set up a GitHub Actions workflow that automates building your bot, running the server and both bots using Docker Compose.
Extracurricular Activities From Zero to Unraid: The Perfect Home Server OS When you're building a home server, choosing the right operating system can feel overwhelming. My choice? Unraid.
Ruby on Rails Set Up a Rails Development Environment with Docker + VS Code Dev Containers I will walk through the steps my team followed to set up a pretty nice Rails development environment using Docker and VS Code Dev Containers.
JavaScript Prune Your Monorepo’s Docker Build My software team recently applied the prune command and other techniques to great effect, reducing the Docker image size by half.
Developer Tools PSA: Enable Rosetta In Your Docker Settings Docker's Rosetta setting is great and should be turned on by default. For some reason, it's not, so here's how to do that.
Extracurricular Activities Keep an Eye on Container Status with lazydocker I appreciate how lazydocker lets me visualize container status. It makes something inherently very boring much more interesting.
DevOps & System Admin. Docker Compose Dependency Management Isn’t a Silver Bullet The dependency management in Docker Compose, particularly with the depends_on attribute, isn't a silver bullet.
Extracurricular Activities How to Run Unifi Network Application via’s Docker Image Unifi Networking Application is a great tool for managing your Unifi network. Learn how to run the application via's image.
Developer Tools Use Docker Scout to Identify Security Vulnerabilities Scout is a great new tool for identifying security vulnerabilities in Docker images. Here are a few of the ways you can use it.
DevOps & System Admin. Working with Docker Containers Made Easy with the dexec Bash Script I wrote a simple dexec script to make running commands through Docker containers less clunky. I'll show you what dexec is and how to use it!