Developer Tools jq for Creating and Updating JSON Here are some examples of using the jq command-line utility to create new JSON data from scratch or update values in an existing JSON document.
Development From WebAnnotations to COCO: Optimize Datasets for Machine Learning Converting WebAnnotation format to COCO format for machine learning models using annotations and object detection.
Developer Tools JSONoid Discovery: Simplify Schema Discovery On a recent client project, my software development team dealt with a legacy NoSQL database with the help of JSONoid Discovery.
.NET / WPF Create and Implement .NET-Compatible JSON appSettings Using Consul Template and HashiCorp Vault Secrets As secret handling gets sophisticated, applications must ensure secrets are secure and easily managed. One method is using HashiCorp Vault.
Developer Tools Integrating Contentful with a Server-Rendered Next.js App? Watch Out for Cycles! It can be hazardous to combine Contentful with server-side rendering (SSR). My first tip: watch out for cycles!
Developer Tools How to Fake or Mock an API with JSON Server JSON Server is an easy-to-use module for mocking an API for most of your API needs, including custom routes, POST routes, and faking data.
Developer Tools Ingest Inconsistent Tables Quickly Using Postgres’s JSON Columns Here’s how you can leverage JSON columns to help smooth out the distinctions between tables you are ingesting into a PostgreSQL database.
.NET / WPF Testing JSON Input/Output in Azure Functions Request Tests Improve request tests for an Azure Function by serializing/deserializing JSON using the same configuration that the framework would use in production.
Web Apps JSON to XML with AngularJS in Preparation for InDesign I export the XML tree in the DOM, then save that text as an XML document. I used AngularJS for the web application, and JavaScript to create the XML feed.
Developer Tools A Tiny Toolbox for Spelunking through JSON A quick look at how curl, bash, jq, and json-diff can make JSON less painful to wrangle from the command-line.
Ember.js Dynamic Binding in Ember.js Using Observers Creating bindings in Ember.js at run-time can be challenging. A pair of observers, instead of a direct binding, alleviated some of our problems.
Developer Tools Handling JSON from the Command Line with Jq Jq allows you to avoid separate, multiline scripts in most cases and carry out JSON operations directly from the command line.