Project & Team Management Why Automated Deployments for Pull Requests Improve Collaboration I didn’t realize how much I’d miss deployed testing environments until I didn’t have them. Here are 3 ways they can improve collaboration.
Development Practices Master Effective Pull Request Reviews in a High Collaboration Space How do you develop a time-efficient, deep comprehension of the code you are reviewing? Let's talk about effective Pull Request review.
Development Practices 7 Ways to Get Practical Code Feedback We often talk about writing code, but less so about the importance of getting effective and practical code feedback.
Development Practices How to Avoid Pull Request (PR) Feedback I want to share a trick that practically eliminates Pull Request feedback! Here are the benefits of an iterative self-review style.
Development Practices Code Review: A New Developer’s Guide Reviewing code as a new developer can be daunting. I've written a guide to code review best practices to help you.
Development Practices Add Tone Indicators to Your Pull Requests Thinking of adding tone indicators to pull requests? My team made use of them, marking things as "todo" or a "chore" to indicate a small fix.
Development Practices To Squash or Not to Squash: The Merge Debate You're finally ready to merge that pull request into your develop branch. Do you do a standard merge commit? Or do you squash merge?
Development Practices How to Solicit Better Feedback for Your Pull Requests Good pull request feedback is important but can be tricky to get on busy projects. Here are a few tips to get better feedback.
Development Practices Quit Working with the Same Person and Switch Up Your Pair When it feels that the learning has slowed down, this is usually a good time to switch to a new pair. Or, switch at the completion of a story or task.
Development Practices Considerations When Submitting a PR to Open-Source Projects Committing to open source projects on GitHub can improve the quality of the development experience and elevate your understanding of project tooling.