Svelte Svelte Context API: Simplify State Management Across Components I'll discuss how to use Svelte's Context API to simplify state management when building complex applications in front-end frameworks.
React / Redux Simplify Your Page State with React’s useReducer Hook Simplify dynamic content management by using React's useReducer hook to centralize your page's state management.
Development Practices When To Implement Error and Loading States Establishing loading and error states early can facilitate low-effort adoption, while delaying can allow for more informed decisions.
Development Practices Navigate Loading and Error States in a Fast-Paced Project In a project with limited time and resources, when to address loading and error states might depend on the project's needs.
React Native Embrace App Monitors: A Solution for State Changes in React Native Let's look at why relying solely on useEffect might make your code a bit of a puzzle and how App Monitors can alleviate this issue.
React / Redux Why React Contexts Are Great and Why We Didn’t Use Them React contexts enable information sharing between components. However, they aren't always the best fit for a project. See why and how to properly use them.
React / Redux A Pattern for State Management in React Function Components How to make a React component independent, notify its parent when its the state changes, and enable the parent to pass down new state at any time.
Development Practices Using State Tables for Testing Using state tables for testing is great for situations where there are a variety of inputs for a function that produce different results.
Development Practices An Immutable Asynchronous State Holder in C# In several projects that I have worked on over the last few years, we instituted a StateHolder class that eases the burden of managing state.
Ember.js Changes Pending! Ember Data Dirty State Tracking Ember and Ember Data don't have the greatest dirty state tracking, but you can easily add it in yourself. Don't lose your form data!
Ember.js Effortless Abstraction with Ember.js It's amazing how easy it is to build sophisticated apps with Ember. This post explores one feature of Ember that enables this: pervasive data binding.
Functional Programming What I Learned on the Way to Clojure My top three Clojure lessons: sequester mutable state; think functionally and be idiomatic; and practice, practice, practice.