Developer Tools jq for Creating and Updating JSON Here are some examples of using the jq command-line utility to create new JSON data from scratch or update values in an existing JSON document.
ChatGPT Generate CTEs for a Legacy Database Using an LLM Here's how to use the power of LLMs to generate Common Table Expressions, making a legacy database easier to work with for ad-hoc queries.
Developer Tools Tell Java Applications to Use macOS Automatic Proxy Configuration Here's how to tell an installed Java application to use the macOS system proxy for network traffic, so it can be directed through a VPN.
Java Zip Archives with the Java Stream API Here are example implementations of creating a Java Stream API that yields the entries in a ZIP archive, reading from a provided InputStream.
Java Programmatically Configure Persistent Disk Storage with Ehcache and Spring Boot Here's a code example of programmatically configuring Ehcache in a Spring Boot application with a persistent disk store.
Web Apps Wait for Hydration in Automated SvelteKit Browser Tests Here's a way to force Playwright to wait for hydration of a SvelteKit page before starting to interact with it in automated browser tests.
Development Overcoming Frozen Thinking in Software Development: Practices and Questions for Problem Solving Frozen thinking can be a problem for senior developers. Let's examine why it's a problem and some practices to overcome it.
JavaScript How to Use busboy for File Uploads in Express Middleware Here's an Express middleware function that uses the busboy library to save an uploaded (multipart form) file to a temp file on disk.
Python How to Compile Python with a Statically Linked OpenSSL on macOS Statically linking OpenSSL to Python is not officially supported, but there are a couple of ways it can be done.
JavaScript Configure an Express Application with mTLS and express-ws Here's an example of how to configure a Node Express app that uses express-ws for WebSocket support with the necessary options for TLS / mTLS.
PostgreSQL How to Partition Consecutive Rows with PostgreSQL You can use PostgreSQL's window function capabilities to partition data over a specific number of consecutive rows preceding any given row.
React / Redux Prevent an Unnecessary Refetch with nextFetchPolicy and Apollo Client I recently figured out the cause of a strange issue due to a change in how the cache-and-network fetch policy works in Apollo Client 3.