Embedded Systems ThrowTheSwitch Improved with Tools & Tips for Embedded Developers ThrowTheSwitch is a central hub for embedded software development techniques, forums, and free and open-source tools.
C & C++ Using CMock when C is Oversensitive Employing CMock is usually straightforward. Here are a few common sticking points I've come across and how you can work around them.
Embedded Systems Testing and Automating for Embedded Developers I’m going to present a few cases for the usefulness of TDD based on my own experience in industry.
Embedded Systems Announcement: Unity and CMock 2.0 For anyone who is using (or has been thinking of using) Unity and/or CMock for unit testing in C, the latest version of each has been released.
Embedded Systems CMock – (Ruby Based) Mock Tools for C With this set of tools, we’ve made C one of the simplest languages for doing test-driven development.