Development Practices A Developer’s Debate: Copy/Paste vs. Typing a New Pattern When should a developer copy and paste vs. type out a new function, class, or component when they must apply a pattern? Let's explore this!
Technical Practices 5 Essential Steps for Starting a New Codebase Learn essential steps for creating a software repository. Ensure your project begins on solid ground when starting a new codebase.
Development Practices Learn More About the Code Without Looking at Code, Part 1: Where to Look Have you ever been tasked with modifying code you're not familiar with? Or integrating new features into an existing codebase?
Technical Practices The Do’s and Don’ts of a Project Refactor Discover essential Do's and Don'ts for a successful project refactor. Ensure your project's overhaul is efficient with these tips
Development Unlock Your Software Project’s Potential Through Simplicity and Safety There’s an art to making software simple. But, if you pay attention, your team can reap the benefits of a simple and safe codebase.
Development Practices My Experience with Micro Frontend Architecture – Is it Worth It? Recently, I worked on a web application with a micro frontend architecture. I was excited to see what this new codebase had in store.
Development Practices Keep Your Documentation Up to Date with a Checklist I've recently utilized a Documentation Checklist to help keep my software documentation up-to-date while saving time and effort.
Development Practices Benefits and Downsides to Implementing a Linter in Your Project Having a linter makes collaboration across teams effective, since everyone can understand one another's changes to the code.
Project & Team Management Tips for Devs Integrating Into an Established Team Transitioning onto an established team can feel like being a newbie all over again, especially if the codebase, languages, or team dynamics are unfamiliar.
Development Onboarding as a New Dev: How to Wrap Your Head Around a Large Code Base Be patient when learning a large code base. It's a long process, but if you keep working at it, eventually everything will come into focus.
Project & Team Management Struggling with a Large Software Project? Takeaways from My First Corporate Experience Key takeaways from my first big software project include asking lots of questions and "start at the root, end at the leaf."
Development Practices New to a Codebase? Try Drilling! Drilling the codebase can help answer many questions without assistance and help you build confidence as an entry-level developer.