Culture How We Help Startups: The Big, the Small, and the Medium I've consulted with startups for the past several years, and opportunities shift significantly based on the size and maturity of the company.
The Software Life Software Development Outlook for 2025 and Beyond: No Easy Projects Globalization and generative AI are causing massive shifts in software development. Here's a software development outlook for 2025 and beyond.
Culture Build a Culture of Bold, Candid Feedback At Atomic, we hold practice sessions so junior developers give candid feedback to leaders and peers, receiving immediate coaching in return.
Growing as Makers Consultants: Here’s How You Optimize for Client Value I've had a lot of discussions recently, making sure that we, as software consultants, use our time to optimize for client value.
Personal Optimization How To Be a Good Internal Consultant Consulting inside your organization is a critical part of being a good consultant in general — something we take seriously at Atomic.
Culture Breaking Down the Term “Boutique Consulting Firm” From multinational organizations to a boutique consulting firm, my reflections on my journey to Atomic Object.
Project & Team Management You Should Probably Be Saying “No” to Your Client More Often People pleasing can run deep in the consulting space. Let’s chat about when it’s okay, and even recommended, to say “no” to a client.
Growing as Makers From Green to Great: Building Confidence in Consulting Preferring simplicity over complexity and being a great communicator are traits I've observed from effective software consultants.
Growing as Makers Good Gardening = Good Software (or What I Learned While Getting a Horticulture Certification) Curiosity is important, a concept that was reinforced as I finished a horticulture certification from the MSU Extension Gardening program.
Business Practices How to Generate Immediate Consulting Demand Turning inward — to our current portfolio, past clients, and active sales pipeline — we often can generate immediate consulting demand.
Project & Team Management From Understanding to Synthesis: A Consulting Blueprint Over 15 years as a software developer and consultant, I've developed an approach I call Dialectical Consulting.
The Software Life A Truly Strategic Partnership: Why Some Startups Work with Atomic Working with a custom software consultancy can benefit startups significantly, even if the cost might be higher.