Web Apps Creating Vertical Alignment with Susy and CSS Flexbox I encountered a project which required vertical alignment across different kinds of elements, ideally without hard-coding a dimension anywhere.
Web Apps, Ember.js Implementing an Offscreen Menu in Ember.js The “reveal” style keeps the menu in the background, uncovering it as the main page content slides off the screen.
Web Apps How to Create a Responsive Square with CSS I needed to create a square element that would maintain its square shape as it responsively resized to a changing window size.
Web Apps Getting Around Internet Explorer’s 4,096 CSS Rule Limit… Again Using SCSS and frameworks makes it distressingly easy to hit these limits.
Web Apps What “Semantic” Markup Really Means A good semantic model cuts across a single layer of abstraction. If two things have the same structure and info hierarchy, they should share a CSS class.
Web Apps CSS is a Mess – Applying the SRP and the Law of Demeter Organize and clean up your CSS with the Single Responsibility Principle and the Law of Demeter.
UX/Design Tools Adventures with SASS Preprocessors My goal was to find something that would be quick to install and easy to use, which ruled out tools like Hammer and CodeKit.
Web Apps Eliminating Multiple-Style Classes with @extend and SCSS SCSS has numerous beneficial features, include one that I really came to love during my last project. The @extend feature really took the cake.
Web Apps Dynamically Generating CSS with Ember.js and Rails Our app's CSS is being compiled by the Rails Asset Pipeline, and the colors are fetched over an API call—this poses an interesting challenge.
Web Apps Web Form Feedback with AngularJS AngularJS lets you build responsive forms in HTML that let users know what they've changed and whether the information they've entered is valid.
Web Apps A CSS Naming Convention for JavaScript We’ve found CSS classes used to connect JS to the DOM are best kept separate from css classes intended for visual style and layout.
Web Apps Selectivizr – Pseudo Selector Support for IE Internet Explorer has terrible support for pseudo selectors. With Selectivizr, we can make that support a little nicer and do some fun stuff with CSS!