TypeScript Add LineString and Other Geometry to your DB using Drizzle Currently, Drizzle only really supports adding geometry point columns. I was able to also add linestrings using the steps in this blog.
ChatGPT Generate CTEs for a Legacy Database Using an LLM Here's how to use the power of LLMs to generate Common Table Expressions, making a legacy database easier to work with for ad-hoc queries.
Realm Improve Realm Migrations with Rails-like Patterns Discover how our custom Rails-inspired migration pattern improved the way my team manages database schema changes in Realm.
Atomic Thinking, Developer Tools Navigating the Differences Between MongoDB and AWS DocumentDB in Practice I hit a few snags while developing against MongoDB locally and deploying to AWS DocumentDB. Here is what I discovered.
Prisma Translate a Graph Database Schema to a Prisma Schema On a recent project, we chose to migrate data from an existing Amazon Neptune graph database to an Amazon RDS PostgreSQL relational database.
Developer Tools Migrate Your Heroku PostgreSQL Database to AWS RDS Over time, Heroku add-ons may not fit your needs. I’ll share how I was able to successfully complete a migration from Heroku PostgreSQL to RDS.
AWS Use the Override ECS Docker Command to Run Database Migrations Here's how to use the AWS command-line interface to run a database migration by leveraging a task definition for a service running on your ECS cluster.