Ruby Motion ReactiveCocoa: The Future of Cocoa Programming ReactiveCocoa will improve the structure and reduce the complexity of your code. Most importantly, it removes the need for keeping track of state.
Evolving the Industry Unifying Programming and Math – The Dependent Type Revolution A programmer's introduction to Martin-Löf Type Theory, a recent theory that elegantly unifies programming and math.
Embedded Systems Hey, C Is a Functional Language Too! I will show how you can write a linked list reversal function in C with no mutation and no malloc!
Functional Programming Elixir, Erlang, and the Dining Philosophers Solving a classic computer science problem using Elixir, a functional meta-programming aware language built on top of the Erlang VM.
Functional Programming Functional Testing of Dynamic Websites with Grails and Geb Describes features of Geb functional testing framework, and some useful additions to its functionality.
Functional Programming What I Learned on the Way to Clojure My top three Clojure lessons: sequester mutable state; think functionally and be idiomatic; and practice, practice, practice.