Developer Tools Supercharge Your Caps Lock: Remapping with Karabiner Elements A single tap of my Caps Lock behaves just like tapping Esc. But hitting any other key with Caps Lock behaves just like hitting Ctrl with that other key.
Developer Tools An Introduction to Scripting Tmux Key Bindings Scripting Tmux is a very powerful addition to your command line toolset. Here's how to add a Tmux key binding to open the file name under the cursor.
Developer Tools Less Perplexing Terminal Multiplexing with tmux As a professional problem solver, I spend a considerable portion of my day working at a command prompt within a terminal multiplexer called tmux.
Objective-C Objective-C KeyPath Bindings Key Path Bindings is a library that simplifies and reduces the complexity of binding properties to a key path on another object.
Developer Tools Vi Editing Mode for Bash Fortunately, you can change the command line editing mode used by Bash. The default is emacs-mode, but you can easily change it to vi-mode.