One of the nicer features surrounding Objective-C are “Key Value Observation”: (KVO) and “Key Value Coding”: KVO provides a mechanism to observe changes in a property on an object. Key Value Coding is an informal protocol — which NSObject implements — that gives you the ability to query an object and its properties.
There are times when an object wants to observe changes in a property of another object and mirror those changes in a property of its own. Unfortunately, implementing this behavior requires a verbose set of KVO code that has to be duplicated between objects that want to have this behavior.
*For example:*
Having to do this _on more than one occasion_ led me to create a library called “Key Path Bindings”: that simplifies and reduces the complexity of binding properties to a key path on another object.
*With Key Path Bindings:*
Using the magic of “MAZeroingWeakRef”: we can further reduce the complexity by removing the need to unbind the property in the dealloc
*Hackery Notes:*
“Key Path Bindings”: creates custom subclasses on observed objects in order to generate KVO and dealloc code. Which means it does _not_ currently play nice with objects that have already been subjected to KVO. KVO performs its own runtime trickery that makes subclassing that kind of object relatively complex (See “here”: and “here”:
If you want to dive into the code you can see it “here”: