Auto-scroll to Latest Entries in UITableView Using Objective-C

In a recent software development project, I implemented an autoscroll feature for a developer logging screen in an iOS application as new data was added. Here, I’ll share a concise solution in Objective-C to achieve this auto-scroll functionality for the latest entry in the table.

Objective: Autoscroll to Latest Entry

The primary goal is to scroll the UITableView seamlessly to the latest entry whenever new logging information is added. This enhances the user experience, ensuring users can effortlessly stay up-to-date with real-time changes. Additionally, the autoscrolling occurs only if the user is at the bottom of the page when new data appears. In other words, it won’t auto-scroll if the user is actively scrolling through the information on the page.

Implementation: Comparing NSIndexPaths

To achieve this autoscroll functionality, we must compare NSIndexPaths to determine if the user is one row above the most recently-added item. The following Objective-C code snippet accomplishes this task:

BOOL scrollToBottom = false;
for (NSIndexPath *index in [self.tableView indexPathsForVisibleRows]) {
    if (index.row == indexPath.row - 1) {
        scrollToBottom = true;

if (scrollToBottom) {
    [self.tableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath:indexPath 

This code checks the currently visible rows in the UITableView and compares their indices with the index of the latest entry (indexPath). If the user is one row above the most recent entry, the scrollToBottom flag is set to true, and the UITableView then scrolls to the latest entry using scrollToRowAtIndexPath. The animated parameter is set to YES for a smooth scrolling experience. Otherwise, the user is currently not at the bottom of the page. If the user is likely actively looking through the data, they shouldn’t be automatically scrolled to the latest entry.

End Result: Seamless Autoscroll for a Rich User Experience

Implementing an auto-scroll feature in Objective-C for a UITableView significantly enhances the user experience in applications where real-time updates are crucial. The code snippet I shared allows effortless scrolling to the latest entry. In turn, that ensures users stay informed and engaged with dynamic content.


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