iOS / OS X Evaluating Expressions in iOS with Objective-C and Swift Evaluating string expressions in iOS with the NSExpression and NSPredicate classes. Examples given in both Objective-C and Swift.
Objective-C ReactiveCocoa Concepts for Asynchronous Libraries Using ReactiveCocoa to create an interface to an asynchronous iOS framework or library.
iOS / OS X Sunrise and Sunset in iOS using CoreLocation Combining iOS's CoreLocation framework and the EDSunriseSet cocoa-pod to obtain local sunrise and sunset times.
Developer Tools Custom Animation for an Unwind Segue What do you do if you want a custom animation for your unwind segue in Xcode?
iOS / OS X Automated iOS Retain Cycle Testing in Objective-C A simple method of testing for iOS retain cycles / memory leaks in an automated test suite using Objective-C.
Growing as Makers What I Learned at CocoaConf Atlanta I recently attended the Atlanta CocoaConf, a touring conference that focuses on Apple technologies (iOS and OS X).
Objective-C Custom Expecta Matchers for Test Legibility Custom Expecta matchers can help you maintain legible unit tests.
Developer Tools An iOS Developer’s (Mostly) Open Source Toolchest iOS developers have many tools to choose from. Here are our picks (most of them open source) for one project.
Objective-C Method Swizzling in Objective-C Method swizzling is the act of swapping the implementations of two selectors as an Objective C program runs, similar to monkey patching.
iOS / OS X Git Pre-Commit Hooks and Specta’s Focused Examples A Git pre-commit hook to prevent accidentally committing a Specta test suite with a focused examples (fit or fdescribe).
Objective-C Timeouts in ReactiveCocoa Using the timeout:onScheduler operator in ReactiveCocoa to manage asynchronous, potentially long-running work.
Objective-C Comparing replay, replayLast, and replayLazily A comparison of ReactiveCocoa's replay, replayLast, and replayLazily convenience methods.