UX/Design Practices Pairing with a Developer to Design an App – Part Three While pair designing an app, now is the time to throw in all those ideas and solutions. We chose rapid sketching so we could visualize our ideas quickly.
UX/Design Tools Using Nested Symbols in Sketch to Build Powerful, Customizable, Enterprise UI Mock-ups – Part 3: Putting it All Together With the help of Sketch's Nested Symbols, I’ll show you how to make a data-dense Enterprise UI mockups that are flexible and customizable.
UX/Design Tools Using Nested Symbols in Sketch to Build Powerful, Customizable, Enterprise UI Mock-ups – Part 2: Buttons and Table Elements Creating buttons and table elements you can quickly customize on the fly for an Enterprise UI, using Sketch's Nested Symbols.
UX/Design Tools Using Nested Symbols in Sketch to Build Powerful, Customizable, Enterprise UI Mock-ups – Part 1: Getting Started Organization and best practices for using Nested Symbols in Sketch to create symbol libraries for a powerful, flexible Enterprise UI.