Extracurricular Activities Why You Should Use Component-Based Design in Unity Component-based design in Unity can save developers a lot of time by making the project easier to maintain than the traditional inheritance model.
Web Apps Firebase with Unity – Part 1: Project Setup Firebase is an easy option for managing Unity authentication and data. In this tutorial, I'll get you started with integrating Firebase into your Unity app.
Extracurricular Activities Game Programming in Boo with the Unity Engine, Part 1: Not All Who Wander Are Lost A review of my attempts to begin developing a game with Boo, especially my attempts to create a test-friendly coding environment.
Embedded Systems ThrowTheSwitch Improved with Tools & Tips for Embedded Developers ThrowTheSwitch is a central hub for embedded software development techniques, forums, and free and open-source tools.
Embedded Systems Testing and Automating for Embedded Developers I’m going to present a few cases for the usefulness of TDD based on my own experience in industry.
Embedded Systems Announcement: Unity and CMock 2.0 For anyone who is using (or has been thinking of using) Unity and/or CMock for unit testing in C, the latest version of each has been released.