How to Create UML Database Diagrams in Visual Studio Code

In Visual Studio Code, I used plantUML to describe a database schema for my most recent project. I was able to define the proposed schema in text and then have the tool generate the visual representation of the diagram. I could then check these text files into the codebase to have database diagrams available in the project.

Getting Started

First, install plantUML extension in VS Code.

Creating UML Database Diagrams in Visual Studio Code

Then, create a new file in the project that you’ll use to hold the text-based format of the diagram.

In that file add `@startuml` and `@enduml`. These are necessary for the tool to render the content.

You can then click option + D to open the preview pane to view the diagram. There is no content yet so nothing should show up.

For database tables, I used the object type.

Creating Objects

 @startuml object Responses { } object Question { } @enduml


If you want to add rows to the diagram you can add:


object Responses {

object Question {

Creating UML Database Diagrams in Visual Studio Code

Linking objects:

Finally, to show connections between tables, like when we may want to use foreign key linking, you can use entity-relationship diagraming in plantUML.


object Responses {

object Question {
Question ||--|{ Responses


Creating UML Database Diagrams in VS Code

Creating UML Database Diagrams in VS Code

Although the thought of creating a UML diagram may sound formal and intimidating, it doesn’t have to be when you use plantUML. I was able to commit the plant file to my project and have the UML diagram act as documentation right alongside the code. This might be a good activity to do early during a project when deciding on a database schema. Or, use it in a well-established project to help document what has grown organically over time.


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