React / Redux Simplify Your Page State with React’s useReducer Hook Simplify dynamic content management by using React's useReducer hook to centralize your page's state management.
GitHub Actions Reduce Github Action Runs with Smart Triggers Use GitHub action triggers to fine-tune workflows and run for every pull request, commit push, or run pipelines manually.
Exploratory Testing Test Network Requests with Cypress Intercepts Use Cypress requests to validate server responses and ensure network requests complete before tests continue.
Web Apps Remix is Incredible — If It Fits Your Use Case I used Remix on a short prototype app that displayed a series of reports. The app was a great use case for Remix for a few reasons.
Developer Tools Introduction to Blender Hotkeys Hotkeys are a great way to make Blender feel simpler and smoother to navigate, allowing your mouse and attention to focus on the 3D scene.
Development Practices How to Build a Search Page with Live Results Let's learn how to build a search page that updates with live results as the content of the search box changes.
Developer Tools Yarn Workspaces: A Solution to Organizing a Monorepo Yarn workspaces organize a monorepo into logically distinct parts and keep scripts and dependencies organized.
React / Redux How to Get Data from a Parent Component in Remix The file-based structure of Remix routing structure saves on computational resources and results in a faster web page.
Extracurricular Activities Treat Your Personal Projects with Respect and See More Progress I started my career in computing with personal projects, and I continue to build and expand my skills with my own projects.
React / Redux Why React Contexts Are Great and Why We Didn’t Use Them React contexts enable information sharing between components. However, they aren't always the best fit for a project. See why and how to properly use them.
React / Redux When Should You Make Reusable React Components? Building reusable React components is an important skill for a developer. Here are the best practices for using these powerful tools.
Extracurricular Activities Get a New Oculus Quest 2? Start Building a Unity Game The Oculus Quest 2 exploded in popularity this year. Here are the steps I followed to start building my first app for the Oculus Quest 2.