Personal Optimization The Dos and Don’ts of Networking Following these tips, networking can transition from a random set of encounters to an intentional path to further your own professional development.
Workplace Should I Speak Up? Four simple questions you can ask yourself to help you determine whether or not you should speak up at work.
Personal Optimization Four Lessons for Product Teams from Youth Sports When I consider the teams I've coached, I remember four basic lessons about what made the best ones successful that applies to managing great product teams.
Growing as Makers Effective Agendas Lead to Effective Meetings There is no reason anyone should sit through a poorly run meeting. After all, this is a solved problem.
Personal Optimization Manage Your Emotions by Disputing Them with REBT You are in control of your emotions. Don't let your first reactions dictate how you respond.
Project & Team Management Negotiating Your Project Management/Development Approach with Clients For example, if the client can't make decisions quickly, maybe reworking your Scrum process to make room for blocked stories could mitigate some risk.
Personal Optimization 5 Steps for Effective, Timely Decision Making When I have a number of items demanding my time at once, it's important that I give each decision no more time than it deserves.
Evolving the Industry Does Empathy for Users Blind Us? Once we’re in the head of our users, we should automatically understand exactly what it is that they need, right? If only that were true.
Personal Optimization Putting “Certainty” to the Test in Group Decisions Often certainty—not accuracy or correctness—is what persuades others to follow your way of thinking.
Project & Team Management Counting Cards Instead of Scoring User Stories You're left with a board that with a simple glance can tell anyone how the sprint is progressing—no need to add up cards up in your head.
Personal Optimization Dwight D. Eisenhower, Productivity Specialist Eisenhower's rules for categorizing tasks has me focusing on getting the right things done in a timely way, but also has me thinking about my goals.
Personal Optimization Software Leadership Lessons from Youth Sports On talent, goals, and tactics — in sports and in your software company.