Personal Optimization Visualize Your Spreadsheet Data with Conditional Formatting Conditional formatting is a useful feature for analyzing spreadsheets. Here I introduce it and provide some examples.
Personal Optimization Some Amazing Ideas Start as Wacky Ideas A wacky idea is one that people might dismiss at first glance. But having permission to share them can open the door to innovation and creativity.
Growing as Makers Finding Inspiration at CreativeMornings Grand Rapids What can I do to spark inspiration? How can I be confident that my time spent watching the ocean or driving through the countryside is going to pay off?
News & Events Balanced Team is Coming to Grand Rapids in 2015 Help us create better, stronger, smarter multi-disciplinary teams at the 2015 Balanced Team summit in Grand Rapids.
Growing as Makers Florence Knoll: Defining Modern I can only learn, strengthen myself, and improve my ability to solve problems by reaching across multiple disciplines.
Growing as Makers Software Practitioners Shouldn’t Overlook the Design Mgmt. Institute The Design Management Institute holds a wealth of knowledge about good design — knowledge that is directly applicable to software product development.
Extracurricular Activities Script Away your Annoyances: Creating Word Groupings from Anki’s Database Manually clicking through the Anki browser to pick out words reviewed today is annoying. Let's create a script to do this for us automatically.
Growing as Makers Review: ‘Design & Thinking’ Movie and Discussion My short review of the Design + Thinking movie and a follow-up panel conversation.
Extracurricular Activities Counting Cards in Anki’s Database with ActiveRecord & Ruby How I used a small Ruby script with ActiveRecord to learn more about my Anki database.
Developer Tools Script Away your Annoyances: Employing Automator in a Pinch OS X's Automator is a handy tool for quickly scripting annoying workflows.
Developer Tools Obliterate Unsavory git Objects with the BFG Demonic git blobs got you down? Time to bring out the BFG.
.NET / WPF HIDSharp: USB HID Communications in .NET HIDSharp is a great little library for USB HID communication in .NET.