Communicating on-going project updates across teams isn’t always easy. Implementing Storybooks with a continuous integration pipeline helps smooth out that process.
Do you need a VPN? Probably not. Today, nearly every email provider, website with sensitive info, and Internet communication channel uses an encrypted line.
How to build a first-class automation toolset that’s ridiculously easy to use with direnv command line shortcuts. It helps me save focus and time every day.
The constant tension of the competing tradeoffs in a software project can lead to some nasty bouts of indecision. I've found a few ways to break through.
Reduce merge conflicts & improve collaboration with a minimal git branching approach – 4 pragmatic git strategies to help you spend more time writing code.
How many sprints does it take to change a lightbulb... into a smart home system everyone in your family loves? A few. But being Agile keeps you from wasting money and driving your
If you read much React Native code, you’re bound to pick up a few bad habits. Here are three that you should try to break on your next React Native project.