Atomic Thinking Providing Parameters to CfnInclude with CDK When using CfnInclude, it's possible to provide parameters to a Cloudformation YAML file. This guide walks through how to do that.
React / Redux How to Create and Export Text Files from a React Frontend Regardless of why you may want to do it, it is possible to create and export files directly from a React frontend without a request to the backend.
Personal Optimization 3 Ways to Establish Your Role on a Software Team Having a role on a software team doesn’t mean you can’t seek out tasks that don't fit your title. Here are tips for creating a fulfilling role for yourself.
Development How to Bypass Cognito-Hosted UI With Federated Sign In Amazon Cognito provides a hosted UI for handling federated sign in with identity providers, but it is possible to bypass in favor of custom UI.
React / Redux Using React Grid System for Responsive Web Apps Utilizing a library like React Grid System allows us to easily create and style responsive web apps for many screen sizes.
Project & Team Management An Approach to Onboarding New Software Team Members Onboarding new software team members efficiently and effectively is an important way to contribute to the overall project and team success.
Web Apps How to Make Writing Performance Tests Easy With Cypress Performance tests can be used to track app performance over time. Here’s a quick overview of how to track page load for a web app with Cypress tests.
Development Practices Why & How to Tackle Internationalization at the Beginning of a Project Writing code to support localization at the beginning of the project can ease the addition of new languages and regions later on.
Swift Handling Audio Sessions with Bluetooth in Swift for iOS It's important to properly configure and handle audio sessions for iOS apps that deal with audio. Otherwise, there could be unintended behavior.
Mobile Apps Setting Up React Native Localization for Multi-Language Apps React Native Localization is a great tool for handling multiple languages or locales in a React Native application. Here's how to set it up.
Project & Team Management The Pros & Cons of Different Software Team Sizes Switching between very different team dynamics and sizes has showed me that there are many pros and cons to both small teams and large teams.
Project & Team Management How to Facilitate a Knowledge Transfer Remotely Although it's not ideal, knowledge transfers can be held remotely. Go into them with a game plan, but be ready to change course if necessary.