Project & Team Management What’s a Feature Captain and Why Do I Need One? On my last project, the tech lead introduced the concept of feature captains. I found this practice to be highly valuable.
React / Redux Angular vs. React: Learning React as an Angular Developer Angular vs. React? Here are some helpful tips to learn React when you’ve primarily been working with Angular.
DX Bridge the Gap: Applying Design Concepts to Database Design I'll explore how coupling database design with design principles can result in databases with high performance.
Growing as Makers What Developers Could Learn from Talking to the Design Team Let's talk about what developers can learn from the design team while expanding their consulting skills, too.
C# Running into Problems Testing with DateTime.Now()? Here’s the Fix Using DateTime.Now() in your business logic can cause issues when it's time for writing tests. Here's my approach for fixing this.
Extracurricular Activities Best Practices for Contributing to Open-Source Projects Find out why you should be contributing to open-source projects and the importance of community and collaboration, even if you’re new.
Effective communication Here’s How to Give Better Feedback Giving feedback can be uncomfortable, and the way we deliver it can have a huge impact. Let's look at how to give good feedback.
Project & Team Management Is a Small Team or Large One Better for a Junior Dev? It Depends. In my time at Atomic Object, I’ve worked on a small team with only one other developer and on a larger team with seven developers.
Extracurricular Activities A Crash Course on Ethical Hacking – Part 2: Coding a Backdoor In this 2-part series, I share insights on ethical hacking. In part two, we discuss installing a backdoor that allows us to maintain access.
Extracurricular Activities A Crash Course on Ethical Hacking – Part 1: What is It? In this two-part series, I'll share interesting things I’ve learned about ethical hacking through an online course. Let's start by defining ethical hacking.