C & C++ Acceptance Testing C++ with Cucumber and the Wire Protocol The following example shows how this works with C++ using Cucumber-Cpp, plus an example that comes bundled with it.
Web Apps Given I Am Signed in Using capybara-webkit Directly authenticate a user from a Cucumber step by setting a cookie using capybara-webkit.
Developer Tools Highlight Strings in Cucumber Features with Vim An "after" syntax file that adds highlighting to double quoted strings in Cucumber feature files when using tpope's vim-cucumber plugin.
Ruby How to Click Text Using Capybara and Cucumber If you want to click text using Capybara, you could use find() and pass it :text hash as the last argument.
Platforms & Languages Never Say “Click” – Good Cucumber System Testing Practices A good test will fail because the feature is broken. A bad test will fail for other reasons.