DevOps & System Admin. How to Hot Reload Kubernetes with Skaffold I will describe how I leveraged Skaffold to hot-reload a deployment on our Dockerized Minikube cluster and some issues that arose.
Web Apps Vercel: A Valuable Debugging Tool Vercel's advertises itself as "stupidly easy" to deploy. I found it offered more debugging gems with its version tracking features.
Exploratory Testing 2 Ways to Catch Software Deployment Problems Early Have you ever introduced a bug that lurked undetected until deployment? I'll describe a couple of these bugs and early-warning systems to catch them.
Developer Tools Replacing Heroku Review Apps on Non-GitHub Projects Heroku's Review Apps are great if you happen to be using GitHub. We're not. Here's the process and infrastructure our team uses instead.
Development Practices Designing a Scalable Deployment Pipeline Designing an effective and scalable deployment pipeline is the top priority of a product engineering team—even over choosing a language or tech stack.
Development Practices Empowering Our Clients to Deploy Their Own Apps Giving out customer the keys to deployment has been gratifying and liberating--I highly recommend you try it on your own projects.
Technical Practices Why Vagrant? – Preventing Deployment Issues from Day One with a Virtual Machine Vagrant virtual machines help developers prevent deployment issues by allowing them to write code in production-like environments.
DevOps & System Admin. Simpler Deploys with git Subtrees Using subtrees can help work around specific limitations in Heroku and enforce proper separation of concerns.
DevOps & System Admin. Easier Capistrano Deploys from GitHub with ssh-agent Far, far too often I forget to start the ssh-agent before I use Capistrano to deploy. Here's a quick little snippet to help you avoid that mistake.
DevOps & System Admin. Deploying from Git with Capistrano With a few changes to our Capistrano configuration, we are able to deploy directly from the source code repository.
Development Practices You’re Ready to Deploy – You Must Be Done, Right? Your app might do everything your customers asked, but does it do everything you need? Here're tools for monitoring and diagnosing issues after it ships.