Development Practices How to Use C4 Diagrams in Systems Architecture My team recently used C4 diagrams to represent software systems. The standardized diagramming language creates a level playing field for all.
Development Practices My Experience with Micro Frontend Architecture – Is it Worth It? Recently, I worked on a web application with a micro frontend architecture. I was excited to see what this new codebase had in store.
Software Science Hexagonal Architecture in Action At least for the time being, I'm sold on the hexagonal architectural pattern. It seems to provide smart guardrails as software grows in complexity.
Presenter First Is Presenter First Still Valuable to Modern App Architecture? When you consider Presenters first, you're forced to draw some of the boundary line between your application and its implementation before you start.
.NET / WPF You Can Write Inline C# in XAML – But Should You? You can write inline C# in your XAML file with the x:Code Intrinsic type. But it might not be such a great idea.
Embedded Systems An Alternative to the Layer Model in C Project Design As a C project grows, layer models become counter-productive. I've started using a different pattern modeled on Dependency Injection.
Software Science Improve Your Software Architecture with Ports and Adapters Ports and adapters prevent business logic from becoming coupled to other dependencies. They create little classes with well-defined pieces of functionality.