How to Use Rust Modules Across Different Files

Sharing code across different files is a must for larger projects. Rust’s system of handling the exporting and importing of modules is a little different than in other languages. It was a bit tricky for me to understand at first, so here’s a quick rundown of how it works.

Understanding Rust’s Module System

There are two important things to understand about Rust’s module system. First, the module tree is not automatically mapped to the file structure, but is manually mapped by the programmer. Second, a module is not declared as a module in its own file but in its parent instead.

Let’s look at an example.

Here’s a basic file structure:

├─ submodules/
│ ├─
│ ├─

Our end goal is to call a function that has been defined in, and a function that has been defined in submodules/ We want to call both of these functions in

Right now, without having done any module declaring, our module tree simply has one node (which is the root) called crate. crate is always at the top of our module tree, and any modules we declare are going to be children of crate.

In, we’ve defined a function called add() that looks like this:

fn add(num1: u8, num2: u8) -> u16 {
    num1 + num2

In, we’ve defined a function called sub() that looks like this:

fn sub(num1: i8, num2: i8) -> i8 {
    num1 - num2

Declaring modules at the top level

Let’s start with calling add() in

The first thing we need to do is add the pub keyword to the beginning of our function declaration, like this:

pub fn add(num1: u8, num2: u8) -> u16 {
    num1 + num2

If we don’t add the pub keyword, then we can’t call this function outside of this file at all. That’s because functions are private by default.

Now we need to declare this as a module in the parent of Because it’s already at the top level of the file structure, this will be Here’s what looks like after we do that:

mod addition;

fn main() {
    println!("{:?}", addition::add(5, 10));

Now that we’ve declared addition as a module, we can use it in our file. Running this does as you’d expect: it just prints out the number 15. Also, now that we’ve declared it as a module, we can use it elsewhere as well. For example, in our file we can use it like this:

pub fn print_addition() {
    println!("{:?}", addition::add(10, 10));

After we declared the addition module, our module tree now looks like this:

├─ addition

Declaring nested modules

Now let’s do the work to call our sub() function in

Just like before, we add pub before our function declaration in

pub fn sub(num1: i8, num2: i8) -> i8 {
    num1 - num2

Now we declare our module in the parent, which is submodules. To do that, we’ll declare the module in submodules/

pub mod subtraction;

Notice that we’ve added the pub keyword before the module declaration. If we didn’t do this, we wouldn’t be able to use subtraction outside of submodules. Also, the file this is done in must be called if we’re in a folder below src/, otherwise Rust won’t know where to find it. (If it isn’t in a nested folder, it just needs to be in, as we did earlier.)

Next, we need to declare submodules as a module and call it in That’s going to look like this:

mod addition;
mod submodules;

fn main() {
    println!("{:?}", addition::add(5, 10));
    println!("{:?}", submodules::subtraction::sub(5, 10));

Running this does what you’d expect as well, it prints out 15, and then prints out -5. At this point, our module tree looks like this:

├─ addition
├─ submodules
│ ├─ subtraction

The use keyword

There’s something extra we can do to simplify our code a bit, and that’s using the use keyword. I’ve made some changes to the file. Here’s what it looks like now:

mod addition;
mod submodules;

use addition::add;
use submodules::subtraction::sub;

fn main() {
    println!("{:?}", add(5, 10));
    println!("{:?}", sub(5, 10));

The use keyword simply allows us to use just the function name as opposed to the entire path whenever we want to call it inside now. We can also use the use keyword to use a different name for what we’re importing, like this:

mod addition;
mod submodules;

use addition::add as adder_function;
use submodules::subtraction::sub as my_sub;

fn main() {
    println!("{:?}", adder_function(5, 10));
    println!("{:?}", my_sub(5, 10));

We can use the use keyword in files where we aren’t declaring the modules as well, like in our file:

use addition::add;

pub fn print_addition() {
    println!("{:?}", add(10, 10));

This was just an intro to using Rust modules across different files. There’s much more to Rust’s module system that I don’t have space in this post to cover. Hopefully, this is enough to get you started on it. With this info, you should be able to make your large projects much easier to work with.