UX/Design Techniques How to Add an XL Grid Size Option to Bootstrap 3 This post will walk you through the changes needed to add an additional grid size to Bootstrap.
UX/Design Techniques Where Atomic and Photography Meet How Atomic create a cohesive photography style that expressed our lively, welcoming, authentic culture.
UX/Design Techniques Turning a Sequence of PNGs into a Basic Animation with Flash How we created fluid, natural-looking animations in Flash using a series of PNGs.
UX/Design Tools 6 Helpful Sketch Shortcuts Useful Sketch keyboard shortcuts: presentation mode, view all artboards, group layers, view/hide layout, move layers back/front, and color picker.
Web Apps Eliminating Multiple-Style Classes with @extend and SCSS SCSS has numerous beneficial features, include one that I really came to love during my last project. The @extend feature really took the cake.
UX/Design Practices When To Compare Features of a Competing App If your new app will have a near competitor, how much do you want to know about that product before you start planning yours?
UX/Design Tools 2 Tools for Better Remote Design Collaboration Applications to help our poly-skilled software design/dev teams communicate and collaborate.