Article summary
My distaste for unnecessary Rails controllers is no secret. That’s why I wrote the ddc gem (Data Driven Controllers).
When DDC was released, it got mixed reviews in the comments section, so I thought I’d post a follow up with my results thus far.
Example :monkeys,
actions: {
show: {
context: 'context_builder#user_and_id',
service: 'monkey_service#find'
index: {
context: 'context_builder#user_and_id',
service: 'monkey_service#find_all'
update: {
context: 'context_builder#monkey',
service: 'monkey_service#update'
create: {
context: 'context_builder#monkey',
service: 'monkey_service#create'
My current project’s Rails API has about 20 controllers, almost all of which are mere data describing how to glue the Rails pieces together. The overall approach has held up well. With decent naming conventions and DDC, I barely ever have to think about Rails controllers. When I did need a custom bit of something, DDC let me define the methods that actually required some thought. So far, working with DDC has been great: easy to use with very little mental overhead.
New Features
There have been a few features added along the way to round out the DDC API:
can now be specified. These options let you control which serializer will be used to render domain specific content to JSON. I actually haven’t needed this feature, but other projects using DDC have.:context
will now take an optional array of function strings. The functions will be called in order, being passed the previous functions results and outputting its own. (Like building an onion from the inside-out.)
DDC has been a great tool in my tool belt. I’d really like to see Rails find a clean way to make controllers optional the way Ember.js does.
I’m curious what others are doing to streamline the building of Rails controllers and Rails sites in general. Leave a comment below.