Whether starting a new software project or simply transitioning to agile project management, your team will need to pick a length for upcoming sprints.
I propose that we stop measuring throughput or velocity. Instead, companies should empower software teams to make value estimates on individual work items.
In this third part of my Rethinking Agile series, instead of adding practices, I recommend something for you to remove. That is, stop estimating effort!
In Part 1 of this series, I suggested adding a “deload” period into your agile practices. In Part 2, another suggestion in the same vein: the Stand Down.
After sustained intense exercise, a deload gives your mind and nerves a chance to reset. I think it's time to bring this concept into software development.
Spikes are great for exploring and de-risking problems. I'll outline three steps I take to make sure that spikes have lasting value for a software project.
My previous work as a professional football player is fairly uncommon in the software development industry, but there are more parallels than you'd expect.