C# Here’s How to Use Bogus to Populate Your Test Data A fake data generation library like Bogus streamlines your testing workflow and ensures your tests use realistic-looking data.
Development Practices A Developer’s Debate: Copy/Paste vs. Typing a New Pattern When should a developer copy and paste vs. type out a new function, class, or component when they must apply a pattern? Let's explore this!
Developer Tools Let’s Explore OpenAI Function Calling Recently, function calling piqued my interest for its ability to include an OpenAI Large Language Model call function inside my application.
Development Practices When To Implement Error and Loading States Establishing loading and error states early can facilitate low-effort adoption, while delaying can allow for more informed decisions.
Development Practices Navigate Loading and Error States in a Fast-Paced Project In a project with limited time and resources, when to address loading and error states might depend on the project's needs.
UX/Design Practices Alphabetical? Chronological? Best Ways to List Data in Your App An app will likely show a list of data somewhere, from users to items in your character's backpack. What order will you display the data in?
Development Practices Save Your Backend: Separating Business Logic and Data Access in Your API This design pattern can save you some ibuprofen: maintaining the separation of concerns between business logic and data access functions.
Prisma Build Test Data Factories with Prisma Why bother with data factories when you can just add whatever data you want in your tests? Creating data on the spot has a few drawbacks.
React / Redux Grouped Stacked Bar Charts with Recharts: Unveiling Snacking Patterns Learn how to create grouped stacked bar charts with Recharts. We'll walk through an example without any extra downloads or fancy CSS.
Extracurricular Activities Should You be Concerned About Spotify’s Insights into Our Emotional Identity? We revile browsers that track our search history and monitor our location, yet we celebrate and brag about the data Spotify has on us.
Developer Tools Integrating Contentful with a Server-Rendered Next.js App? Watch Out for Cycles! It can be hazardous to combine Contentful with server-side rendering (SSR). My first tip: watch out for cycles!
UX & Design How to Use InDesign’s Data Merge Feature to Automate the Creation of Name Tags You can do all sorts of fancy things with the Data Merge feature in InDesign. I used it to automate creating name tags.