Evolving the Industry Revolutionizing User Interfaces: The Impact of AI Designing interfaces to embrace the powerful technologies that AI and natural language processing are unlocking looks exciting and promising.
Developer Tools, JavaScript Use Fuse.js for Quick and Easy Fuzzy Searching Recently, while building a feature that allowed users to fuzzy search over a list dynamically, I came across Fuse.js.
Development Practices Use Webflow Custom Code to Create Registration Flow with a Custom Backend Here are the steps you can follow to use Webflow’s custom code sections to direct form submissions to your own backend server.
UX & Design Create a Visual Design System for Implementation Teams A design system on its own can be helpful, but a shared design system all implementors can view is a design system that will be used.
UX/Design Techniques How to Animate On Scroll in Figma: Part 1 I hope Figma adds the ability to animate on scroll. Learn how to create an animated sticky header scroll effect in this Figma tutorial.