Project & Team Management 5 Dysfunctions of a Team & 5 Ways to Fix Them Here are 5 dysfunctions of a team and their root causes, suggestions on how fix each, and thoughts on how our values at Atomic help us.
Culture Peer Recognition: Why It Matters and How It Fuels Team Success I love that all avenues for peer recognition offer to meet Atoms where they're at regarding how they like to give and receive appreciation.
Personal Optimization Job Crafting: The Cure for Career FOMO? If you’re feeling a little fear of missing out — a sense that work could be about 15 percent better, try an exercise in Job Crafting before you quit.
Extracurricular Activities Scrum Your Money, Part 1: Values When you scrum your money, you establish a framework for achieving your money goals and addressing financial challenges head-on.
Culture Why I Love Working at Atomic Object People keep asking, "What is the favorite part of your job?" My favorite part of working at Atomic Object? People.
Business Practices The Value of Transparency When Buying Custom Software One of Atomic's key values is “Act Transparently.” It’s counterintuitive to most working in sales, but it's critical to a successful outcome.
Culture Reflections on My First Year at Atomic Object Among the lessons learned my first year? Company values that have heart and purpose help to create healthy boundaries for the organization.
Business Practices How I Practice Value-Based Selling at Atomic Value-based selling is a strategy through which we attempt to add value to every potential contact and eventually become their vendor of choice.
Culture How Many Atoms Does it Take to Change a Tire? A recent incident where two Atomic employees helped an intern fix a flat tire was an example of how Atomic’s values go beyond the workplace.
Development Practices Beware the Invisible Null You have probably heard null described as the billion-dollar mistake. But null itself is not bad. Making null invisible is what tends to cause issues.