How to Create and Export Text Files from a React Frontend

Although it may be surprising, it’s possible to create and download files from a React frontend. What reasons could you have for doing this? If all the data you want to export is already available to you in the frontend, you could avoid a request to the backend. It could also be that you don’t want to update an existing endpoint to handle a specific case. Regardless of why you may want to, here’s how to export data directly from a React frontend.

1. Stringify the data.

First, we’ll need to get the data we want to export and stringify it. This could be the response from a backend request or just information from a form that the user filled out. For our example, we’ll use an object containing user data provided to our export function. This step would be a good opportunity to make any changes to the formatting of the data using JSON.stringify()’s parameters.

const fileData = JSON.stringify(userInfo);

2. Blobify the data<./h2>

Once a string, our file data can be turned into a blob and a URL to that blob object can be created. In our case, we set MiME type to “text/plain” since it is a simple JSON file.

const blob = new Blob([fileData], { type: "text/plain" });
const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);

3. Create a link in the DOM and click it.

Now that we have a URL for our blob data, we can link to it. To do this, we’ll inject a link into the DOM. Once we create the element, we’ll update properties on it to reflect the file to download.

const link = document.createElement("a"); = "user-info.json";
link.href = url;

Finally, we can go ahead and interact with the link we just created. This should immediately download the file.


4. Put it all together.

If we followed the steps above, we should end up with the following function:

type UserInfo = {
  name: string;
  email: string;

function exportUserInfo(userInfo: UserInfo) {
  const fileData = JSON.stringify(userInfo);
  const blob = new Blob([fileData], { type: "text/plain" });
  const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
  const link = document.createElement("a"); = "user-info.json";
  link.href = url;;

Using this function, you can easily wire up a button to create and export simple text files from your React frontend without needing to make a request or any changes to the backend.