Software Design Practice Lead at Atomic Object in Ann Arbor. Designs by empathizing with the user, enforcing a cohesive brand message, and finding ways to create value for clients all within the problem's constraints.
We found the Lean UX Canvas great for the discovery phase of the project. It can also be a living document that tracks the project as it grows into a fully-baked concept.
The Chart.js JavaScript chart library is an approachable tool that creates beautiful charts with little effort. This example will get you up and running with a simple line chart.
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Vivus is a great tool that can quickly combine illustrations and animation. It will take your SVG and animate in the strokes as if someone were drawing it.
Thinking of Pivotal Tracker as the main backlog and Invision as the supporting visual design backlog has brought structure and transparency to the process.
Material-UI got us working quickly and helped us to deliver a powerful yet simple user experience, but there were a few items that were a little sticky.