We’ve all been there, right? The deadline pressures start to mount, and suddenly you’re getting bombarded with requests to work overtime, support off-hours releases, and be available at the drop of a hat. It can feel like a never-ending cycle. But here’s the kicker: you only work a 9-5 workday. So, how do we manage this chaos without losing our sanity? Let’s chat about setting boundaries!
Remember: It’s us vs. the problem.
First things first, keep a positive mindset. It’s so easy to start feeling like it’s you against your team or leadership, but that’s not really the case. Remember, it’s “us vs. the problem.” We’re all in this together, trying to solve the same issues and meet the same deadlines. Put yourself in that collaborative headspace, and tackling problems becomes a whole lot easier.
Communicate expectations and limitations.
Let’s talk communication. It’s key to make your expectations and limitations known — early, often, and consistently. Your team and leadership aren’t mind readers. Make it clear upfront what your work hours are and what you’re capable of handling outside those hours. Reinforce this whenever new requests come in that overstep those boundaries. Over-communication is better than under-communication, trust me on this one.
Be prepared for pushback.
Now, let’s be real. Setting boundaries isn’t always going to be a walk in the park. You’ll likely face some pushback, and that’s okay. Establishing these limits may push others’ buttons, lead to a brief degradation of trust, or even result in some retribution. It’s normal. Just stay the course and keep reminding everyone that these boundaries are there to keep you performing at your best.
Document everything.
And I do mean everything. Keep a log of conversations, requests, and responses. This documentation can clarify your stance and help solidify your case if any push back turns into a bigger issue. Plus, it’s a handy tool to refer back to when you need to remind folks of your agreed-upon boundaries.
Give yourself an outlet.
Boundaries or no boundaries, the pressure can get to you. Find a way to vent. Whether it’s talking to a trusted friend, going for a run, or even blogging about it (yup, like I’m doing now!), find what helps you release that stress. Keeping it pent up will only make things worse in the long run.
Seek advice.
Last but not least, don’t hesitate to seek advice from others. Ask peers or mentors how they’ve handled similar situations. You might learn a new strategy or just get that reassurance that you’re on the right track.
Set boundaries so you can do your best work.
Setting boundaries is all about maintaining your sanity and ensuring that you can keep doing your best work, even when the pressure is on. It’s about finding that balance where you can meet your professional responsibilities without compromising your personal well-being. So, take a deep breath, communicate clearly, document diligently, and give yourself the grace to vent when needed. You’ve got this!