Development Practices Software Developers, Have a Feature? Resist This Urge It's easy to get bogged down in detail, but we need to take a big picture approach when defining the requirements of feature work.
Product Development Scrum Ceremonies to Add to Your Sprint: Pre-Refinement Product owners often don’t know the technical complexities of the work they want completed. This is where pre-refinement comes in.
Project & Team Management How to Keep Your Jira Project From Becoming a Dumpster Fire Jira's breadth of customizations and features can also be a downside. Let's take a look at a few common pitfalls in a typical Jira project.
Personal Optimization Harness the Power of Narrative Patterns Learn a simple narrative pattern to help you tell effective, complete, and impactful stories in many professional situations.
Growing as Makers Stay Motivated When Working on a Difficult Story Say you're working on a story that should be a breeze, but you quickly get a dose of reality. Try these tips to stay motivated.
Development Practices Useful Tools for Facilitating Planning Poker Estimation Planning Poker provides an engaging way for the team to discuss implementation approaches and build consensus around the effort involved.
UX/Design Techniques Lead with “Why”: A Storytelling Shortcut for Ideas and Products Here's a storytelling shortcut for better describing an idea, service, or product. Who's it for, what do they need, and what can we do?
Project & Team Management What are the Benefits of a Design Backlog? Managing design work is typically less straightforward than development work and not always done as a traditional design backlog.
The Software Life Understanding Software Jargon, Part 2: Process Terms In the second part of this three-part series, I'll cover some common process terms you'll hear working on your first custom software product.
Project & Team Management A Developer’s Perspective: 3 Tips For Writing Good Stories Writing good stories sounds easy, but actually isn't. Here are some tips from a developer to help you write clear, effective user stories.
Developer Tools Make the Most of Storybook Stories with These Simple Tips Storybook has benefits for teams working on front-end components. Make the most of these benefits by adding interaction tests for components.
Project & Team Management How to Estimate Work When You Don’t Know Who is Going to Do It Estimates are first and foremost for project planning. Eventually, as various team members get familiar with the codebase, disparities should fade away.