iOS / OS X A UIStackView Hack for Stacking Child Views Compactly UIStackView is missing a distribution type that will stack its children close to each other and also size them based on their intrinsic content size.
Developer Tools How to Remove Extra Separator Lines in a UITableView When your UITableView does not have enough data, it will show empty cells with separators to fill out the screen. Here's how to get rid of them.
iOS / OS X How to Use UISearchController to Add Search Your UITableViews This is a simple tutorial on how to use the new UISearchController to add search capability to your UITableViews. Includes a demo.
iOS / OS X Auto Layout Demystified It is not rocket science. In this blog post I will show you how simple the Auto Layout equation really is and some tricks in Xcode to make your life easier.
Developer Tools Fill and Space Content Evenly in a UIStackView How to set the content inside a UIStackView to fill equally and have proper spacing in between your controls.
Swift Testing with Swift – Approaches & Useful Libraries How we've approached testing different types of Swift code, and some useful testing libraries we've used.
Developer Tools How to Pass Data to an iOS Container View Learn how to pass data from your parent view controller to a child view controller using container views.
Developer Tools Stretch and Fill Content in UIStackView on iOS How to configure your controls to stretch and fill a UIStackView on iOS by setting the alignment property to Fill.
Developer Tools 10 Super Cool Alcatraz Xcode Plugins Xcode comes with many great features out of the box, but is lacking these 10 super cool abilities, available through Alcatraz.
Developer Tools Switching Child View Controllers in iOS with Auto Layout How to switch between two child view controllers hosted in a component view that is constrained with auto layout.
Developer Tools The Easy Way to Switch Container Views in iOS This is a simple way you can switch between two iOS container views.
Developer Tools Adding an iOS Container View in Xcode An iOS container view allows you to create a reusable component that all of your view controllers can share.