Some database-related projects require access to information based around maximum and minimum values. Recently, I was trying to figure out the best way to perform a “greatest N per group” query in an ActiveRecord model with a SQL database backend. Eventually, I settled on the SQL proposed by Bill Karwin on StackOverflow. Once I had the SQL, I worked it into a form that fit my needs and moved it into my ActiveRecord model.
My approach allowed me to specify the group based on a set of columns and to abstract the required join logic behind an ActiveRecord scope. The following gist is a complete script that demonstrates the approach.
# A file demonstrating how I use ActiveRecord to perform "All records where N
# is greatest N" queries.
# This script contains the schema, the models, and the example code. Normally
# these pieces would be broken out into separate files.
# The example demonstrates the use by producing a set of relationships between
# users, services, and "logins" of those users to the services. Then, we
# perform some queries that relate to the longest session time when stratified
# different ways.
require 'active_record'
### Database Connection and Creation ###
def connect_database
adapter: "sqlite3",
database: "a_database.sqlite3"
def create_database
def create_tables
ActiveRecord::Schema.define do
create_table(:users, force: true) do |t|
t.column :name, :string
create_table(:services, force: true) do |t|
t.column :name, :string
create_table(:logins, force: true) do |t|
t.column :session_length, :integer
t.column :service_id, :integer
t.column :user_id, :integer
### Model Creation ###
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :logins, dependent: :destroy
def to_s; name end
class Service < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :logins
def to_s; name end
class Login < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :service
# Fetch the row(s) from `logins` where no other row exists with the same
# `columns` value(s) and a greater `session_length`.
scope :longest_session_for, lambda { |*columns|
selectors = {|c|
"logins.\"#{c}\" = ls.\"#{c}\""
}.join (" AND ")
logins.session_length < ls.session_length AND
}).where(" IS NULL")
def to_s
"LOGIN ID %02d: [ %5s ] to [ %5s ] for [ %02d ]" % [id, user, service, session_length]
def insert_data
john = User.create!(name: "John")
alex = User.create!(name: "Alex")
mail = Service.create!(name: "Mail")
chat = Service.create!(name: "Chat")
pony = Service.create!(name: "Pony")
Login.create!(service: mail, user: john, session_length: 2)
Login.create!(service: mail, user: alex, session_length: 2)
Login.create!(service: pony, user: john, session_length: 3)
Login.create!(service: chat, user: john, session_length: 4)
Login.create!(service: chat, user: alex, session_length: 5)
Login.create!(service: mail, user: john, session_length: 5)
Login.create!(service: mail, user: alex, session_length: 6)
Login.create!(service: pony, user: john, session_length: 7)
Login.create!(service: pony, user: john, session_length: 8)
Login.create!(service: mail, user: john, session_length: 9)
Login.create!(service: mail, user: john, session_length: 9)
def header(title)
"===== #{title} ====="
def print_data
puts header("All Logins")
puts Login.all
puts header("Longest Sessions for Each User")
puts Login.longest_session_for(:user_id)
puts header("Longest Sessions for Each Service")
puts Login.longest_session_for(:service_id)
puts header("Longest Sessions for Each User on Each Service")
puts Login.longest_session_for(:user_id, :service_id)
# The output of this script will look something like this:
# ===== All Logins =====
# LOGIN ID 01: [ John ] to [ Mail ] for [ 02 ]
# LOGIN ID 02: [ Alex ] to [ Mail ] for [ 02 ]
# LOGIN ID 03: [ John ] to [ Pony ] for [ 03 ]
# LOGIN ID 04: [ John ] to [ Chat ] for [ 04 ]
# LOGIN ID 05: [ Alex ] to [ Chat ] for [ 05 ]
# LOGIN ID 06: [ John ] to [ Mail ] for [ 05 ]
# LOGIN ID 07: [ Alex ] to [ Mail ] for [ 06 ]
# LOGIN ID 08: [ John ] to [ Pony ] for [ 07 ]
# LOGIN ID 09: [ John ] to [ Pony ] for [ 08 ]
# LOGIN ID 10: [ John ] to [ Mail ] for [ 09 ]
# LOGIN ID 11: [ John ] to [ Mail ] for [ 09 ]
# ===== Longest Sessions for Each User =====
# LOGIN ID 07: [ Alex ] to [ Mail ] for [ 06 ]
# LOGIN ID 10: [ John ] to [ Mail ] for [ 09 ]
# LOGIN ID 11: [ John ] to [ Mail ] for [ 09 ]
# ===== Longest Sessions for Each Service =====
# LOGIN ID 05: [ Alex ] to [ Chat ] for [ 05 ]
# LOGIN ID 09: [ John ] to [ Pony ] for [ 08 ]
# LOGIN ID 10: [ John ] to [ Mail ] for [ 09 ]
# LOGIN ID 11: [ John ] to [ Mail ] for [ 09 ]
# ===== Longest Sessions for Each User on Each Service =====
# LOGIN ID 04: [ John ] to [ Chat ] for [ 04 ]
# LOGIN ID 05: [ Alex ] to [ Chat ] for [ 05 ]
# LOGIN ID 07: [ Alex ] to [ Mail ] for [ 06 ]
# LOGIN ID 09: [ John ] to [ Pony ] for [ 08 ]
# LOGIN ID 10: [ John ] to [ Mail ] for [ 09 ]
# LOGIN ID 11: [ John ] to [ Mail ] for [ 09 ]