Ruby YAML Configuration in Ruby with Settingslogic Settingslogic is an awesome RubyGem for straightforward access to Ruby application configuration.
Development Practices Script Away Your Annoyances – Testing a Data Import Process Let's create a script to automate the testing of a slow, ugly, and brittle data import process into Fedora Commons.
Ruby Easier Debugging with capybara-screenshot How I've used capybara-screenshot to work through some perplexing test failures.
UX/Design Practices What Are the Categories of Design? A brief review of the categories of design, courtesy of Bettina von Stamm's book "Managing Innovation, Design, and Creativity."
Ruby How to Keep Font Awesome from Crashing capybara-webkit If you're developing a Ruby on Rails application on OS X, you'll need this workaround to keep Font Awesome from crashing capybara-webkit.
Ruby RSpec: Thank You for Running My Tests in Random Order Running your tests in random order will increase their robustness. You can now configure RSpec to do just that.
Presenter First Presenter First in GTK+ and C – Updated for 2012 A sample project that demonstrates Presenter First in the context of GTK+ and C — updated to work with the latest tools.
Ruby on Rails A Single CI Task for Rails Want to run database and test tasks together in continuous integration? This might help.
Ruby on Rails Basic Devise and Mass Assignment – Am I Missing Something? What's the best way to handle mass assignment protection of the password field and still use Devise's built in controllers?
Web Apps window.location as a Global Variable Why I've chosen to avoid setting window.location directly, and how I've avoided it using Backbone's structures.
jRuby Be Aware of jruby.launch.inproc Heads up for those not aware: it's not hard to get burned when you're executing other Ruby processes from within a JRuby process.