Extracurricular Activities
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I'll explore the art of taking time off and how you can both enjoy your vacation and return to work recharged and more productive than ever.
I appreciate how lazydocker lets me visualize container status. It makes something inherently very boring much more interesting.
Here, learn the most important steps if you'd like to make a music video using Blender Geometry Nodes.
Unifi Networking Application is a great tool for managing your Unifi network. Learn how to run the application via LinuxServer.io's image.
Answer a few important questions. From there, create a backlog to map out and prioritize the steps to get to your money goal.
In part two of this series, I'll cover the importance of money transparency and using sprint ceremonies to inspect your progress.
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When you scrum your money, you establish a framework for achieving your money goals and addressing financial challenges head-on.
The tools we used in our wedding planning process kept things fun and conflict-free as we prepared for the biggest moment of our lives.
Find out why you should be contributing to open-source projects and the importance of community and collaboration, even if you’re new.
For a fun side project in Arduino, I discovered you can use the Platform.io plugin to do tons of embedded programming in VSCode.
We revile browsers that track our search history and monitor our location, yet we celebrate and brag about the data Spotify has on us.
Try these helper scripts for running Proxmox Backup Client, a tool for backing up a file system directory to a Proxmox Backup Server instance.