Article summary
Justin and I have recently started using Zabbix for monitoring, in place of Nagios. We’ve also taken the opportunity to start collecting even more metrics than before.
One nice thing about Zabbix is that it can use pre-existing Nagios monitoring plugins out of the box. But what if you also want to collect metrics from say, a Ruby process? You’re in luck! Zabbix can collect various forms of information (from numerical metrics to arbitrary strings, to log data) via the Zabbix sender protocol. Let’s set this up.
Server Side Setup
There are two things we’ll have to do from the Zabbix web interface: create a host, and create an item.
h3. Create a Host
First we’ll create a host. This could either be a real host for which we’ll track and monitor other attributes, or simply a dummy host acting as a container for the metrics we’d like to collect from one or more sources.
Under Configuration -> Hosts, click on Create to start creating a new host. We will need to enter a Host name (e.g. “myappserver”), add our host to at least one group (e.g. “mygroup” or “Linux servers”), and enter its I.P. address (or you can leave it as if this is a just dummy host to hold items).
“Zabbix Manual Quickstart – New Host”:
h3. Create an Item
Next we’ll create an “item” on that host, which will receive and store our data. In the list of hosts, you should now see the host we created (“myappserver”). In that row, click the link for its items (“Items (0)”), then click “Create Item”.
The new item page gives us a lot of configurable parameters, but we’ll start with the essentials. First, we’ll want to specify that the “Type” of this item should be “Zabbix trapper”. Then, let’s fill in a “Name” (used in lists and a few other places around the web ui), a “Key” (the unique name and identifier for the data we’ll be collecting). Finally, we’ll also need to select the “Type of information” we want to collect (in our case, let’s use “Numeric (unsigned)” and use the default “Decimal” data type).
Click “Save”, and we’ll be ready to start receiving data.
“Zabbix Manual Quickstart – New Item”:
h2. Client Side (Implementing the Protocol)
Looking at the protocol definition page on the Zabbix wiki, we see that it is “…. Zabbix header… JSON”. JSON is easy, but what’s a “Zabbix header”? Looking at the snippet of Java source provided, it appears that the “Zabbix header” is the string of characters, ZBXD, followed by 0x01 and a bit-packed/padded integer representing the length of the JSON blob which follows. Not so bad. we can achieve this in a few lines of Ruby:
Then we can simply send this off to the Zabbix server (listening on port 10051) like so:
In a future post, we’ll look at what we can do with the data we’ve collected.
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