If you are a novice JavaScript programmer, or if you’ve been messing around with JQuery to pull off a few animations on your website, chances are you’re missing a few vital chunks of knowledge about JavaScript.
One of the most important concepts is how scope binds to “this”.
For this post, I’m going to assume you have a decent understanding of JavaScript’s basic syntax/objects and general terminology when discussing scope (block vs. function scope, this keyword, lexical vs. dynamic scoping).
Lexical Scoping
First off, JavaScript has lexical scoping with function scope. In other words, even though JavaScript looks like it should have block scope because it uses curly braces { }, a new scope is created only when you create a new function.
var outerFunction = function(){
var x = 5;
//console.log(y); //line 1, ReferenceError: y not defined
var nestedFunction = function() {
var y = 7;
console.log(x); //line 2, x will still be known prints 5
console.log(y); //line 3, prints 7
return nestedFunction;
var myFunction = outerFunction();
In this example, the variable x is available everywhere inside of outerFunction()
. Also, the variable y is available everywhere within the nestedFunction()
, but neither are available outside of the function where they were defined. The reason for this can be explained by lexical scoping. The scope of variables is defined by their position in source code. In order to resolve variables, JavaScript starts at the innermost scope and searches outwards until it finds the variable it was looking for. Lexical scoping is nice, because we can easily figure out what the value of a variable will be by looking at the code; whereas in dynamic scoping, the meaning of a variable can change at runtime, making it more difficult.
The fact that we can access the variable x might still be confusing, because, normally, a local variable inside a function is gone after a function finishes executing. We called outerFunction()
and assigned its result, nestedFunction()
, into myFunction()
. How does the variable x still exist if outerFunction()
has already returned?
Merely accessing a variable outside of the immediate scope (no return statement is necessary) will create something called a closure. Mozilla Development Network(MDN) gives a great definition:
“A closure is a special kind of object that combines two things: a function, and the environment in which that function was created. The environment consists of any local variables that were in-scope at the time that the closure was created.”
Since x is a member of the environment that created nestedFunction()
, nestedFunction()
will have access to it. Straightforward enough? It’s about to get more interesting, because this doesn’t behave like a regular variable. Try this example, which has nested functions inside of an object with some properties:
var cat = {
name: "Gus",
color: "gray",
age: 15,
printInfo: function() {
console.log("Name:", this.name, "Color:", this.color, "Age:", this.age); //line 1, prints correctly
nestedFunction = function() {
console.log("Name:", this.name, "Color:", this.color, "Age:", this.age); //line 2, loses cat scope
cat.printInfo(); //prints Name: window Color: undefined Age: undefined
Why are color and age undefined in line 2? You might be thinking, “the cat object properties are clearly defined above and are in an outer more global scope aren’t they?” More importantly, where did “window” come from?
JavaScript loses scope of this when used inside of a function that is contained inside of another function. When it is lost, by default, this will be bound to the global window object. In our example, it just so happens that the window object also has a “name” property with a value of “window”.
Controlling Context
So what now?
We can’t alter how lexical scoping in JavaScript works, but we can control the context in which we call our functions. Context is decided at runtime when the function is called, and it’s always bound to the object the function was called within. The only exception to this rule is the nested function case above.
By saying, change the “context”, I mean, we’re changing what “this” actually is. In the example below, what do “line 1” and “line 2” print out?
var obj1 = {
printThis: function() {
var func1 = obj1.printThis;
obj1.printThis(); //line 1
func1(); //line 2
Line 1 prints out obj1. Line 2 prints out the window. The context of line 1 is obj1, because we called printThis()
on it immediately. However, in func1()
, we first store a reference to the printThis()
function, then call it in context of the global object; as a result, it prints the window. If func1()
had been nested within a different function, that would have been its context.
Call, Bind, and Apply
There are multiple ways to control the value of this, including the following:
- storing a reference to this in another variable
- .call()
- .apply()
- .bind()
The first one:
var cat = {
name: "Gus",
color: "gray",
age: 15,
printInfo: function() {
var that = this;
console.log("Name:", this.name, "Color:", this.color, "Age:", this.age); //prints correctly
nestedFunction = function() {
console.log("Name:", that.name, "Color:", that.color, "Age:", that.age); //prints correctly
Because we bound this to a variable that, it will be available just like any other variable. Let’s take a look now at call()
, apply()
, and bind()
, which, I think, are a bit cleaner.
var cat = {
name: "Gus",
color: "gray",
age: 15,
printInfo: function() {
console.log("Name:", this.name, "Color:", this.color, "Age:", this.age);
nestedFunction = function() {
console.log("Name:", this.name, "Color:", this.color, "Age:", this.age);
var storeFunction = nestedFunction.bind(this);
Focus on the first argument of each function: this. It refers to the cat object. Now, nestedFunction()
’s this refers to the cat object. If, instead of passing in this as an argument, we passed in a “dog” object, then nestedFunction()
’s this refers to dog. Basically, whatever the first argument is becomes the nestedFunction()’s this.
So what’s the difference between the three?
The main difference between call()
and apply()
lies within how to pass extra arguments. Call()
takes in multiple arguments, separated by commas, which allows the nestedFunction()
to utilize them. Bind()
also takes extra arguments in this way. However, apply()
takes in a single array of arguments, rather than multiple arguments.
It is important to remember that using call()
and apply()
actually invoke your function — so this would be incorrect (notice the () on nestedFunction):
, on the other hand, is nifty because it allows you to change what this references and then store a reference to the altered function in a variable to be used at a later time (see storeFunction in the code example above). Meanwhile, because call()
and apply()
immediately run the function, they return the result of calling that function.
Practical Applications
Thus far, we have seen closures, call()
, apply()
, and bind()
, but we have not discussed any practical applications and when to use each one to get the correct binding of this.
- Closures are best used when you have nested functions similar to the first cat example above, which used
var that = this
. This method is also nice because you don’t have to worry about cross-platform issues. For instance,bind()
is a recent addition to ECMAScript5 and isn’t always supported. Call()
are useful for when you want to borrow a method from one object and use it in a completely separate object. For example, using our cat example above, we could reuse itsprintInfo()
function to print information about a dog.Bind()
is useful for maintaining context in asynchronous callbacks and events.
Great! I hope you now have a little more insight regarding how scope in JavaScript is handled. We have covered the basics of lexical scoping with function scope, closures, ways to control the context through closures, call()
, apply()
, bind()
, and lastly, some practical applications.
Please write more on dense subjects like this! I just grew some brain cells.
Very very Useful concepts on Javascript and very neatly explained.
More please
nicely done. thanks for the article. some more progress made towards becoming a js ninja :)
You don’t become ninja by reading a blog.
Work hard to write some serious java script applications
awesome blog.keep posting
Really very useful for me to understand, exact use of closure. I wasted a lot time web to search. Finally here I finished to search about closure. Thank you so much for this blog.
I really love this post. And I want to translate into Korean.
Can I do that?
One little gif would explain all idea.
Nice article! Brought more clarity on concepts
Kaitlin, your explanation of Lexical Scope is confusing and intimidating to newbies I would imagine. I bet it does wonders on job interviews though.
As it says in the intro: “I’m going to assume you have a decent understanding of JavaScript’s basic syntax/objects and general terminology”
Very Nice explanations. Thanks!
Can you please tell me what do you mean by ”If func1() had been nested within a different function, that would have been its context.”?