We previously posted about namespace
in CoffeeScript. Using namespace
is a useful way of organizing your CoffeeScript into meaningful modules. Unfortunately, it can bloat your code when you are using many classes from the same namespace. I’ve recently started using another helper similar to namespace
called using
. It takes a list of namespaces and merges them into a temporary context that contains all the properties from each namespace that you’re using:
window.using = (namespaces..., block) ->
context = {}
for ns in namespaces
for k, v of ns
if context[k]?
throw "Unable to import namespace: symbol [#{k}] already imported!"
context[k] = v
Here’s an example of some code that uses a lot of namespaces:
doSomething = =>
book = new MyApp.Models.Book
author = new MyApp.Models.Author
thing = new MyApp.Widgets.Thinger MyApp.Util.escape(book.get('name')), MyApp.Util.escape(author.get('name'))
The use of using
cleans up the code and gets the namespace information out the way:
doSomethingToo = =>
using MyApp.Models, MyApp.Util, MyApp.Widgets, (ctx) =>
book = new ctx.Book
author = new ctx.Author
thing = new ctx.Thinger ctx.escape(book.get('name')), ctx.escape(author.get('name'))