Development Practices Stay Flexible: Tailor the Development Process for Each Client A one-size-fits-all process won't work, so consultancies like Atomic should lean into tailored projects for individual situations.
Growing as Makers You Can Grow Your Developer Intuition We frequently talk about programming as logical and analytical. What does an intuition-centered development practice look like?
UX/Design Techniques Design Thinking Toolkit, Activity 10 – Affinity Mapping An affinity diagram/map is an easy-to-make physical, tactile, and editable tool that can help you see trends and areas of opportunity.
UX/Design Practices How Improving a Page Can Make a Software Product Worse How do you know when something is good enough and when you should be improving a page, without actually making things exponentially worse?
Design Strategy Go with Low-Fidelity Work for High-Fidelity Results Going lower-fidelity is worth the fight, I promise. Below are ways I’ve experienced the benefits of fighting for low-fidelity work.
DX Bridge the Gap: Applying Design Concepts to Database Design I'll explore how coupling database design with design principles can result in databases with high performance.
Developer Tools Reconsider Using Storybook: Is It Worth the Hassle? I've written about the benefits of Storybook-driven development but have begun to feel the costs of using Storybook outweigh the benefits.
Growing as Makers What Developers Could Learn from Talking to the Design Team Let's talk about what developers can learn from the design team while expanding their consulting skills, too.
UX & Design Let These Design Accounts Inspire You to Up Your Game In a digital world filled with selfies and memes, design accounts are hidden gems that can inspire a burst of creativity or provide guidance.
Figma Light and Dark Themes in Figma: A Variable-Powered Design Guide Designing for both light and dark themes used to be a painstaking process. Fortunately, Figma's variables come to the rescue.
Project & Team Management Unconventional Ways to Measure Project Success As a software design consultancy, it’s important to have both shared and individual definitions for what project success means.
UX & Design Meet the Atomic Object Design Team at UX Y’All 2023 Atomic Object is thrilled to be a sponsor of the 2023 UX Y’All Conference. Our design team is excited to convene there and learn from others!